Sports Participation

Harrison Preparatory School
Student Participation in Sports

Harrison Prep does not offer after school sports for our students. If students wish to participate in sports, they can do so at their resident Clover Park School based on their home address. Students who do not live within the boundaries of the Clover Park School District can participate at the school they would be attending in their home school district based on their home address. There is one exception to this rule which is that all middle school students living in the Clover Park School District can elect to participate in sports at Lochburn Middle School rather than their home school. Please notify the main office at Harrison Prep if you wish your student to participate in after school sports.

Harrison Prep cannot provide transportation for any students participating in sports. Families are responsible to transport their students to practice and games or arrange for alternate transportation. Middle school students can walk to Lochburn with parent permission (see sports contract). Because H.P. dismissal time is earlier than the other middle schools, our students MAY NOT arrive at the school where they will participate before 3:30 pm. From 2:10 to 3:15 p.m. Lochburn athletes will have the option to participate in a study hall or HPX (after school program) on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday and Friday athletes will meet for study hall until 3:15 when students will be released to walk over to Lochburn Middle School.

High school students are released at 2:10 p.m. for sports and may drive themselves to practice and games if they have a driver’s license and parent permission. Parents and students may not provide transportation for other students. There is an afternoon school bus that can drop high school athletes off near Clover Park and Lakes High School for practice. To do this you must fill out a Special Request Transportation Application form that is available in the main office.

When student athletes have games/meets they must attend they may need to leave school early to arrive at the school they are participating at. On those occasions they must come to the main office to sign themselves out in the athlete sign out book before leaving.

The sports that are available to middle school and high school students living within the boundaries of the Clover Park School District are as follows:

Middle School Fall – Begin September 3rd

Boys: Football (7th & 8th), Co-ed Cross Country (6th to 8th) and Boys Soccer (6 to 8th)

Girls: Co-ed Cross Country (6th to 8th) and Fast Pitch Softball (6th to 8th)

Middle School Winter I – Begin November 12th

Boys: Co-ed wrestling (6 to 8th)

Girls: Girls Basketball (6 to 8th) and Co-ed wrestling (6th to 8th)

Middle School Winter II – Begin February 3rd

Boys: Basketball (6 to 8th)

Girls: Girls Soccer (6 to 8th)

Middle School Spring – Begin April 14th

Boys: Co-ed Track & Field (6 to 8th), Co-ed Tennis (6 to 8th) and Baseball (6 to 8th)

Girls: Co-ed Track & Field (6 to 8th), Co-ed Tennis (6th to 8th) and Volleyball (6th to 8th)

High School Fall – Begin 8/21/24 (Football), 8/26/24 (all other sports)

Boys: Football, Golf, Tennis, Water Polo (Lakes only), Cross Country and Fall Cheer

Girls: Golf, Soccer, Swim & Dive, Volleyball, Cross Country and Fall Cheer

High School Winter – Begin 11/18/24 (all sports)

Boys: Basketball, Swim and Dive, Wrestling and Winter Cheer

Girls: Basketball, Bowling, Wrestling and Winter Cheer

High School Spring – Begin 2/24/25 (all sports)

Boys: Baseball, Soccer, Track

Girls: Fast Pitch Softball, Tennis, Track and Water Polo (Lakes Only)

Athletic forms must be completed online by logging into Skyward Family Access and clicking on the Online Forms link. Before this can happen, the Harrison Prep office must request that your student be enrolled at the school where they will participate in sports so that you will have access to the on-line forms. Notify the H.P main office of your student’s intent to participate in sports and where that will happen. Both a parent/guardian and student will need to log into Skyward to complete the required forms. All required participation forms must be submitted before a student participates in any athletic activity beginning with try-outs and practices before athletic competition or travels with a CPSD athletic team for any purpose. This includes all sports, dance and cheerleading.

The only required forms that cannot be completed electronically are the physical and sport cautionary statements. Parents must turn in a current physical signed by a doctor along with the cautionary statement to the Student Accounts Office before athletic registration is complete. Additionally, students must purchase an ASB card at the school where they will participate in sports and have all fines and fees cleared before athletic eligibility will be completed.

*Important – the following steps must be completed prior to sports participation:

  1. Student must be enrolled for sports participation
  2. Student and a parent complete sports forms in Skyward
  3. Have a current sports physical on file
  4. Turn in a signed cautionary statement
  5. Pay ASB fee at school where student will participate
  6. Copy of Insurance card (to prove health insurance)

A sports contract must be completed for Harrison Prep. This contract is available in the main office. Students and parents must read and sign this contract. In addition, all the student’s teachers, counselor and attendance secretary and coach must sign the contract. The counselor will ensure that the student’s grades are eligible, and the attendance secretary will check the students overall school attendance. Harrison Prep must have this sports contract in hand with all signatures BEFORE the student may leave school for practice and games/matches.

Attendance – Student athletes must maintain good overall attendance to participate in after school sports. If your student has excessive class tardies and/or unexcused absences they may not be allowed to continue with sports participation.

Grades – Student athletes must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA and NO failing grades or at least a 2.5 GPA with no more than one failing grade. If students do not meet these academic guidelines they will be considered to be ineligible and will not be able to complete in games/matches until they bring their grades up to eligibility. Ineligible students may not attend practice until they attend Study Hall at the school offering the sport or the HPX Afterschool program at Harrison Prep.

Questions? Contact Janet Vlaming at: [email protected] or call (253) 583-5418