Special Education and Inclusion Policy

Harrison Preparatory School 

International Baccalaureate  

Middle Years and Diploma Programme School 

Special Education and Inclusion Policy 


Harrison Preparatory School staff will support students with special educational needs to participate in our learning community. This support will be done in a way that allows all students to be challenged academically *does this mean challenged to their IEP goals or challenged to MEET the standards? How do we address IEP goals AND course standards, sometimes these overlap sometimes they don’t this planning might need to be clarified, to build self-esteem, and to develop a life-long love of learning. Harrison Prep staff use best practices to provide quality and equitable instruction *how is this measured? in the classroom for all students as well as additional support from the school Special Education *From the Special Ed teacher? When, how much time does the teacher get to “support”. Is this direct support, indirect support? Planning support? Hopefully this is in the PLAN IEP, etc. Documented somewhere.  and Clover Park School District Special Education Departments for students with special educational needs. 


Harrison Prep staff implements differentiated teaching strategies in the classroom to ensure equity and access for all students. *Access to the instruction in the classroom, what does that look like? Is “exposure” the same as access? Is “planned scaffolded instruction that will get them to standard” but actually doesn’t pan out because of OTHER factors getting in the way (so, is it the thought that counts—even if the student didn’t actually make it.)? Likely this is all a student to student determination, but if that is true that should be addressed somehow in this document. Differentiation in the classroom includes meeting the diverse needs of students based on the differentiation of curriculum content, assessment tasks, learning styles, and readiness of students. *Some teachers don’t know what this looks like. We need time to meet with the Special Education teacher (if we have those students) to implement into our planning time how we’re going to meet the NEEDS of our student and their learning style THROUGHOUT lessons and not just a “reaction” time when they start falling behind. 

Clover Park School District Special Education Policy 

Harrison Prep follows the Clover Park School District policies for enrollment of special education students into the district as well as the identification as outlined by Individual Education Programs (IEP) or 504 Plans. Harrison Prep staff will also use Response to Intervention (RTI) methods including qualitative and quantitative data to support differentiation *how is this assessed? We have been using MAPS data specifically, but I know teachers use different intervention tactics—but HOW can this be “common-ized” or used for our RTI’s? Do students HAVE to be assessed the same way for it to be equitable? Can we just trust the teacher’s professional opinion and qualitative data to measure where their students are at (versus using MAPS, a common assessment)? to ensure inclusion in the classroom across the curriculum.  

Special Educational Needs and Accommodations for Assessment 

As an authorized MYP and DP school, Harrison will follow the IBO inclusion and access request process. Harrison Prep understands there are accommodations that are available with IB permission including modification to exam papers, extension to deadlines *What is too much? When is the deadline THE DEADLINE?, assistance with practical work, additional time as well as accommodations that do not require IB permission including separate rooms as needed, rest breaks *are they still getting their instructional minutes met during this “rest break”?, etc. 

Policy Review and Communication  

This policy will be available to the Harrison Prep community on the school website in the IB section and individual requests for the policy can be sent to the IB Coordinator.  The Harrison Prep Inclusion Policy will be reviewed regularly by HP staff *Has the Special Education department been included everytime this policy is revised?, leadership, and other relevant stakeholders in accordance with the MYP and DP Self-study process every five years. Once reviewed, the policy will be submitted to the HP Site Council for approval. It is the responsibility of the IB Coordinator to coordinate the policy review as outlined. 

Harrison Prep values inclusion and support for all members of the learning community and will partner with stakeholders when necessary and appropriate including in the inclusion request process.